“The moral is, always try the simple things first.” – Data Mining-Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
Some Tips for Naive Bayes
1.suitable situations
This method goes by the name of Naïve Bayes because it’s based on Bayes’ rule and “naïvely” assumes independence—it is only valid to multiply probabilities when the events are independent. The assumption that attributes are independent (given the class) in real life certainly is a simplistic one.
Text Classification using Naive Bayes
1.Multinomial Naive Bayes for text classification
2.practice in python
scikit-learn is an open source machine learning library for the Python programming language.
And we can find the code for Multinomial Naive Bayes here. And the documentation here
Before using class MultinomialNB for text classification, we have to realize that:
- Machine does not care about the real words in your text, it cares about the number of occurrences of each word
- fit(X, y, sample_weight=None) – The training data contains three parts
- the number of occurrences of each word in the sample – is X
- the class which the sample belongs to – is y
- the number of samples for one class / the total number of samples – is sample_weight
- predict(X) – The test data contains the number of occurrences of each word in the sample that we want to pridict
fit(X, y, sample_weight=None)需要的X是个稀疏矩阵(二维数组),里面是样本的词频。构造时注意格式,X矩阵每行都是一份训练样本,每份样本对应y中相应的一个值(类),所以y是个一维数组,注意和X中样本的顺序对应,而sample_weight则是样本权重,因为可能不同类输入的训练样本个数不一样(相当于先验概率)。
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
from utils import uniqifier
def get_train_array(train_data, vocabulary=None):
:param train_data: 输入样本为已经分词的样本列表
:param vocabulary: 现有词汇表,没有的话就从样本中统计
:return: 稀疏矩阵
all_data = []
train_array = []
for t in train_data:
all_data += t
if not vocabulary:
# 得到全部样本的词汇表
seen = set()
seen_add = seen.add
vocabulary = [x for x in all_data if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
# 统计每个样本的词频
for t in train_data:
count_words = Counter(t)
sample_count = []
for word in vocabulary:
count_w = count_words.get(word, 0)
train_array = np.array(train_array, ndmin=2)
return train_array, vocabulary
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